Custom Software Development


GTech Digital develops customized software solution for businesses as per enterprise needs. We develop platform independent software solutions that meet the unique demands of our customers.

A dedicated team of skilled specialists design and develop custom software for businesses. We do a thorough research of the businesses of our customers. Using the knowledge of different businesses to build efficient and responsive custom software solutions for our clients accordingly, we provide complete software solutions. We also offer maintenance service with our custom software development service.

Our strength lies in:

  • A strong team of skilled and experienced workers
  • Quality service providing capability and mindset
  • Consistency

We offer different types of custom business solutions for different business needs. Our expertise covers different types of business solutions along with the following ones:

Online Ordering System
Booking Service Solution
HRM Software
Point of Sales (POS) System
Sales Software
Accounting Software
Purchase Software
Stock and Inventory System
Enterprise Business Solutions (EBS)


We develop the custom software solution for businesses in a regularized process. We start from analyzing your business requirements as per the kind of business you deal in. With a detailed requirement analysis at hand, of course along with the confirmation of our client, we enter the development phase.

We develop each custom software for businesses with the given set of requirements with the latest tools and technologies available. We develop and test the websites for any sort of bugs or missing functionalities so you get a bug free, platform independent software for your business that will surely enhance your business efficiency and support your business to grow. However, we also provide maintenance service for the custom software’s we build.


We are a team of officially certified and highly professional experts and talented website developers with technological expertise and thorough knowledge about the industry. We focus on quality. We optimize the best combination of quality, budget and time limit. That is why G Tech solution is a great investment for your business.


We master all levels of software complexity and provide quality solutions using the following technologies:

web development
  • Back end and desktop: Java, PHP, python, Node.js, .NET
  • Mobile: iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Apache Cordova, Xamarin
  • Frontend: HTML5, CSS3, JS
  • Databases: Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, SQL Azure, PostgreSQL, MongoDB